

🙋‍♀️ Marine POPOFF Co-Founder & partnerships lead VC Investor | Fundraising: 60m +1 IPO | EDU: MSC+MBA 🙋‍♂️Christoph RICHTER Co-Founder and tech lead Developer 20 + years | 2 acquisitions | Mentored: 300 founders
Blockchain expertise → Previously worked on 50 different crypto projects, advising on Tokenomics, Community, and Technology. Crypto Network → Well connected with DEXs & Layer1s. Crypto Funding → Supported several Web3 Funds from setup & dealfow, & analyzed over 500 crypto pitch decks over the last year.
🙋‍♀️ Cindy Amar MD at Matrixport | 10 billion AUM 🙋‍♂️ John Izaguirre Recent BD and Developer Relation Director at BNB 🙋‍♂️ Mati Greenspan 7years at Etoro | KOL Influencer
🙋‍♀️Alina Rudolf Senior Product lead at Credit Suisse
🙋‍♂️Manuel Breu Strategy at Avaloq
🙋‍♂️Jürg Steiger Family Office | Asset & Wealth Management
🙋‍♀️Maggie Childs Brand at Redbull