
Our Difference

MC² Finance is a Web3 protocol that offers a comprehensive suite of core components and features to democratize the digital asset management landscape designed to simplify ways people analyze, discuss, and invest in digital asset strategies.
MC² Finance is a Web3 protocol that offers a comprehensive suite of core components and features to democratize the digital asset management landscape designed to simplify ways people analyze, discuss, and invest in digital asset strategies.
MC² Finance introduces a groundbreaking protocol for digital asset management, connecting traders, strategists, and investors on a compliant, transparent platform. By integrating with decentralized exchanges (DEXs), it pioneers a global standard that enhances portfolio management across the blockchain ecosystem. This protocol enables the development and direct backing of strategies without upfront costs, offering control, transparency, and increased assets under management (AUM) for all parties involved.
MC² Finance introduces a groundbreaking protocol for digital asset management, connecting traders, strategists, and investors on a compliant, transparent platform. By integrating with decentralized exchanges (DEXs), it pioneers a global standard that enhances portfolio management across the blockchain ecosystem. This protocol enables the development and direct backing of strategies without upfront costs, offering control, transparency, and increased assets under management (AUM) for all parties involved.
1 → Pre-Trade Compliance &  Look-Through Analytics: MC² Finance's router technology enforces pre-trade compliance, allowing investors to specify criteria like ESG certification or triple-A ratings for their portfolios. Before execution, each trade is vetted against these preferences, ensuring compliance and aligning with investor goals. 2 → Cross-Chain, Intent-Based Trading:  Eliminating the need to navigate multiple platforms, MC² Finance simplifies asset management with its intent-based trading system. Investors state their objectives, and the protocol autonomously execute multiple trades across blockchains with a single signature, streamlining the investment process. 3 → Expert Insights for Informed Social Trading: The protocol leverages on-chain verification to authenticate expert traders and their strategies, building a trusted community where investors can follow proven, transparent strategies. This social trading feature democratizes access to expert insights, offering a collaborative approach to investment.
MC² Finance redefines digital asset management by merging compliance, cross-chain accessibility, and expert insights into a single, efficient protocol. It addresses the complexities of the blockchain investment landscape, offering a streamlined, trustworthy platform for all users.

3 Core Pillars

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1 → Trade: Intent based trading
  • Cross-chain
  • All Primitives
2 → Analyse: Actionable strategy & risk analytics in near realtime & with AI
3 → Discuss: Understand why experts do a trade, and follow their advice

1. Trade

Creating tools and features to drastically simplify the experience to create and trade multi-chain and cross-protocol portfolios.
The Problem Crypto is very complex and fragmented. To build your personal portfolio you need to go through a lot of specialized websites, bridges, DEXs and always understand the underlying risk and actions. Creating strategies on Centralised exchanges comes with its own set of challenges. Not your keys, not your tokens.
The Solution We believe that traders should focus on what is most important to them - identifying the tokens they want to include in their portfolio (Marine Popoff, Co-Founder MC² Finance)
Through the MC² Strategy Studio, you can now create, fund, and swap, multi-chain, cross-protocol portfolios in 6 Steps through a single interface. Powered by account abstraction technology, the MC² Studio drastically simplifies the creation of strategies across all supported blockchains.
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1.1 Intent Based Strategy Studio

To effectively follow a trading signal, it should possess the following capabilities:
To effectively follow a trading signal, it should possess the following capabilities:
  1. Definition of Investment Goals: The user should only outline the intend, allowing users to align their investments with their specific financial targets.
  1. Risk Assessment: A robust engine must incorporate a thorough evaluation of the associated risks. This includes analyzing factors such as market volatility, liquidity, and potential vulnerabilities in the underlying protocols. By providing transparent risk assessments, users can better manage their exposure and make risk-adjusted decisions.
  1. Seamless Cross-Chain Compatibility: In the rapidly evolving DeFi landscape, a successful strategy should seamlessly operate across multiple blockchain networks. By supporting a wide range of chains, the strategy enables users to capitalize on opportunities and diversify their portfolios without the need for complex manual transactions or asset bridging.
  1. Direct Integration with DeFi Protocols: A powerful strategy should leverage the full potential of decentralized finance by directly interacting with various DeFi protocols. This allows users to access a broad spectrum of protocols and services, such as lending, borrowing, staking, and yield farming, without the need for intermediaries.
MC² Finance's Intent-Based Strategy Studio addresses these critical requirements, empowering users to create and execute sophisticated trading strategies with ease.

1.2 Instant Digital Asset Portfolios

The intent-based system is the basis for enabling instant digital asset portfolios. These will enable all users to seamlessly follow each other and their strategies.
The intent-based system is the basis for enabling instant digital asset portfolios. These will enable all users to seamlessly follow each other and their strategies.
  1. Regulatory Alignment: Our Instant Digital Asset Portfolios are being developed to align with stringent regulatory standards, ensuring that users and institutions can invest with confidence.
  1. Pre-Trade-Compliance Risk Management: We are implementing robust risk management tools that empower users and experts to define guarantees and risk matrices. These features will further protect assets, enable full control over investments, and significantly reduce risks. By incorporating customizable risk parameters, our platform will cater to the diverse risk appetites of our users.
  1. Independent Analysis and Ratings: To enhance decision-making and provide an additional layer of security, we are integrating independent analysis and ratings for all strategies. These impartial evaluations will allow users to continuously re-evaluate their positions and make informed adjustments based on the latest market insights and performance metrics. By leveraging expert opinions and data-driven analysis, our platform will help users optimize their portfolios and mitigate potential risks.
  1. Cross-Chain and Cross-Protocol Compatibility: We understand the importance of diversification in the DeFi space. That's why our Instant Digital Asset Portfolios are being designed to operate seamlessly across multiple blockchain networks and protocols. Users are able to easily discover a wide range of assets and strategies without the need for complex manual transactions or asset bridging.
  1. Self-Custody and User Control: At MC² Finance, we prioritize the security and sovereignty of our users' assets. Our Instant Digital Asset Portfolios are being built on a self-custody model, ensuring that users maintain 100% control over their investments at all times. Assets never leave the investor's wallet, providing peace of mind and eliminating the risks associated with entrusting funds to third parties. 

2. Analyze

Access to high-quality data and advanced analytics is crucial for making informed investment decisions. MC² Finance recognizes the importance of providing users with the most comprehensive and reliable metrics to evaluate the performance and potential of various strategies and protocols.
The Problem
The DeFi space places a significant emphasis on Annual Percentage Yield (APY) as the primary metric for assessing the attractiveness of investment opportunities. However, focusing solely on APY can be misleading and fails to provide a complete picture of the risks and potential rewards associated with a particular strategy or protocol. APY does not account for factors such as market volatility, liquidity risks, smart contract vulnerabilities, and the overall sustainability of the underlying ecosystem. APY is bad for predicting future returns.
The Solution "In a rapidly evolving market like DeFi, access to high-quality data and advanced analytics is not just an advantage; it's a necessity. By empowering our users with the most comprehensive insights, we enable them to make informed decisions and build strategies that stand the test of time." (Christoph Richter, Co-Founder MC² Finance).
At MC² Finance, we firmly believe that only by leveraging the best insights and most comprehensive data can investors make informed decisions and build successful long-term strategies. We are committed to providing our users with the tools and analytics they need to navigate the complex DeFi landscape with confidence.
Our platform goes beyond simple APY metrics and offers a wide range of advanced analytics, including:
Our platform goes beyond simple APY metrics and offers a wide range of advanced analytics, including:
  1. Risk Assessment: We provide detailed risk profiles for each strategy and protocol, taking into account factors such as market volatility, liquidity, smart contract audits, and historical performance. This allows users to evaluate opportunities based on their individual risk tolerance and investment goals.
  1. Trading Insights: Advanced metrics are typically only available to TradFi traders, giving you essential insights into a token and strategy. From wallet spreads, monte carlo analysis and more.
  1. Market Sentiment and Trends: Our platform incorporates real-time market sentiment analysis and identifies emerging trends in the DeFi space. By staying ahead of the curve, users can make proactive investment decisions and capitalize on new opportunities.
  1. Comparative Analysis: We enable users to compare and benchmark the performance of different strategies and protocols side by side. This helps users make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of the relative strengths and weaknesses of each opportunity.
By providing users with the most advanced analytics and insights, MC² Finance empowers them to make data-driven decisions and build successful long-term strategies in the dynamic world of DeFi.

3. Discuss

We recognize the power of on-chain verified collective intelligence navigating the complex world of DeFi. Our platform is designed to foster a vibrant and engaged community of investors, where users can connect, collaborate, and learn from one another.
The Problem In the current DeFi landscape, investors often rely on fragmented and unverified information from various sources, such as social media, forums, and chat groups. This lack of a centralized and trusted platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration can lead to misinformation, confusion, and suboptimal investment decisions. Moreover, the absence of verification mechanisms makes it difficult for users to distinguish between genuine insights and misleading or manipulative content.
The Solution "In the world of DeFi, no one has a monopoly on knowledge. By fostering a thriving community of informed investors, we tap into the wisdom of the crowd and enable our users to learn from each other's experiences, insights, and strategies. Together, we can navigate the challenges and opportunities of this exciting new frontier" (Christoph Richter, Co-Founder).
We firmly believe that by harnessing the on-chain verified collective intelligence of a well-informed and engaged community, investors can make better decisions and achieve superior outcomes. Our platform is built on the principle that collaboration, knowledge sharing, and transparent communication are essential for success in the rapidly evolving DeFi space.
Our social features are designed to promote meaningful interactions and facilitate the exchange of valuable insights:
Our social features are designed to promote meaningful interactions and facilitate the exchange of valuable insights:
  1. On-Chain Verified Trades: Our platform enables users to view on-chain verified trades, providing a transparent and trustworthy record of investment activities. Experts can share these verified trades on their profiles, enhancing their credibility and allowing users to learn from their successful strategies. This increased transparency fosters trust within the community and helps users make more informed decisions.
  1. Contextual Social Content: We believe that the most valuable learning experiences come from understanding the reasoning behind a trader's decisions. Our platform brings social content closer to the trades, providing users with insights into why traders make specific choices. By accessing this contextual information, users can gain a deeper understanding of the strategies and thought processes employed by successful investors.
  1. Expert Reputation System: We have implemented a robust reputation system that allows users to easily identify and engage with the most knowledgeable and trusted experts in the community. By following experts with proven track records and valuable insights, users can tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience. Our reputation system combines several reputable sources and ensures that the most credible and reliable voices are highlighted, helping users navigate the noise and focus on the most valuable content.
  1. Real-Time Alerts and Updates: To help users stay up to date with the latest developments and insights from their favorite experts and strategies, we offer a comprehensive alert system. Users can receive real-time notifications about new content, trades, and important updates, ensuring they never miss an opportunity to learn and adapt their strategies. By staying informed and engaged, users can make timely decisions and capitalize on emerging trends.
By fostering a thriving social community of informed investors, MC² Finance empowers users to navigate the DeFi landscape with confidence, learn from each other's experiences, and collectively shape the future of decentralized finance. Our platform's unique features, including on-chain verified trades, contextual social content, expert reputation system, and real-time alerts, create a powerful ecosystem for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and success.

Open Platform

At MC² Finance, we firmly believe that openness and collaborative building are core values of the Web3 ecosystem. In line with these principles, we have designed our platform to be open, accessible, and interoperable, fostering a spirit of collaboration and shared growth within the community.
We are committed to sharing our technology and insights with the broader Web3 ecosystem through various means, including APIs, white-label solutions, and seamless integrations. By embracing an open approach, we aim to contribute to the collective advancement of decentralized finance and empower other projects, platforms, and communities to benefit from our innovations.
To support this vision, we offer the community the following:
To support this vision, we offer the community the following:
  1. White-Label Ecosystem Portal: We provide a fully customizable white-label solution that allows other platforms and communities to easily integrate our advanced analytics, social features, and marketplace into their own websites and applications. This enables our partners to leverage our cutting-edge technology and offer their users a comprehensive and powerful DeFi experience, all while maintaining their unique brand identity.
  1. Open API Access: We offer open API access to our insights, data, and analytics, empowering developers, researchers, and enthusiasts to build upon our platform and create new applications, tools, and services. By providing a robust and well-documented API, we encourage innovation and collaboration within the Web3 ecosystem, fostering the development of a vibrant and interconnected network of solutions.
  1. Joint Approach to Community, Collaboration, and Growth: We believe that the success of the Web3 ecosystem depends on the collective efforts and collaboration of its participants. That's why we actively seek partnerships and collaborations with other projects, platforms, and communities that share our vision and values. By working together, we can pool our resources, expertise, and networks to drive the adoption and growth of decentralized finance, ultimately benefiting all stakeholders in the ecosystem.
To learn more about our open platform initiatives and how you can partner with us to build a more inclusive, accessible, and powerful Web3 ecosystem, please visit our Distribution page.
At MC² Finance, we are committed to leveraging the power of openness, collaboration, and shared knowledge to unlock the full potential of decentralized finance. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we work together to shape the future of Web3.